KC Band Update 9.26.21

Band Families,

It’s a very important week for our band as we enter our contest season! The students will now get to have the experience we have been preparing for since July 26th and we are excited for them and proud of their progress and development thus far. This email is a little longer than usual because there are some extra details regarding our contest this week. Please read carefully and thoroughly.

We would like to give a special shout out to the Postma Family for providing pizza for our wind and percussion students on Tuesday evening. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Postma!

We are very excited to share the addition of a new member to our Klein Collins faculty. Mr. Matthew Hernandez is joining our team in the role of Percussion Specialist. He has started working with us this past week and we are ecstatic to have him with us. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that will greatly benefit our students. Please take an opportunity to welcome him when you see him. We will be updating the band website faculty page with more information about Mr. Hernandez soon!

Rehearsal Schedules

For rehearsals that start in the evening (5:00-5:30pm) we ask that students go home and then return to campus for rehearsal. This will allow them time to eat, complete homework, and/or rest prior to the start of rehearsal. If the rehearsal starts right after school (3:15-3:30p) students can stay after school until rehearsal starts. Students who are staying after school MUST stay in the band hall. The building is closed at 2:55pm and students are not permitted to be wandering around the school.

  • Monday September 27th – Full Band 5:00-8:00p
  • Tuesday September 28th – Sectional Winds & Percussion 3:15-5:00p
  • Tuesday September 28th – Sectional Color Guard 5:30-7:30p
  • Wednesday September 29th – No Rehearsal
  • Thursday September 30th – Full Band 5:00-8:00p
  • Friday October 1st – Game vs. Klein Oak (Call Time 3:30; Pick Up Time 11:00p)
  • Saturday October 2nd – US Bands Dekaney Contest (Call Time 11:00a; Pick Up Time 11:45p) See attached itinerary for details.   

Week 6 Game Info- Klein Oak HS (Visitor Side)

  • Our next game of the season is against Klein Oak HS and will be played at Klein Memorial Stadium. We will be on the VISITOR SIDE for this game. All students must ride the bus to and from the game. Please check the Charms Calendar for specific time details and stadium address.
  • KCBA will provide a Gatorade for every student after our halftime performance. Students should bring their water jug with them for rehearsal and the game. They will have a chance to refill at the end of rehearsal before we leave KCHS. This will be the only way for them to have water to drink during the game.
  • Students should bring their gold shorts, black compression shirt, black socks (crew length required), black marching shoes, black gloves, and garment bag with them on game day.
  • Football tickets for the Varsity game against Klein Oak may be purchased via eTix here https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/4659852/klein-collins-visitorvsklein-oak-klein-klein-memorial-stadium-klein-collins?cobrand=KleinCollinsFootball
  • KC fans can access tickets beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, September 27th. Tickets will be sold at the gates as well as during lunches this week.  
  • If you would like to volunteer to help at this game you can sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=klecolhsb&v=5340088  

Feed the Band

  • Participation in Feed the Band is optional and provided as a convenience to you by KCBA. The students do not eat in uniform and cannot visit the concession stand at the game. If they do not eat at 4:30pm their next opportunity to eat will not be until 11:00pm. Please plan accordingly.
  • If you did not pre-pay for the season and would like to have a meal delivered for you, bring $7 (CASH ONLY, no checks or cards) no later than 3:30pm on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29TH. You will put the money in an envelope, write your name and “Feed the Band” on the outside, and place the envelope in the KCBA box on the wall outside the band office. Late orders will not be accepted.
  • The vendor for this week is Raising Canes. Your meal will consist of 3-piece chicken strips, fries, Texas Toast, and bottled water.

Schindewolf Alumni Game

Since the Schindewolf vs Strack Game performance was cancelled due to weather the Schindewolf Directors are inviting any Schindewolf Alumni to join them for a game on October 5th from 5:30-7:30pm. This is an OPTIONAL performance for those students but a great way to reconnect with Mr. Keig, Ms. Babineaux, and the Schindewolf Band program. Details are listed on the Charms Calendar. Students may want to bring a snack to eat after our rehearsal before the game begins. They will have a few minutes to eat before meeting the Schindewolf band in the KC Stadium.

Marching Contest Information

Our first contest of the season, US Bands Dekaney, is Saturday October 2nd at Planet Ford Stadium. Since this is our first contest I wanted to share some details and logistical considerations for the day. The attached itinerary will give you most of the details regarding times for the day. Please review that carefully in addition to the information below.

  • Tickets
    • Marching contests are ticketed events. In some cases there is only one ticket needed for the day and in others it is two tickets. In the case of two tickets you would purchase a ticket for Prelims and another for Finals. Tickets for the US Bands Dekaney contest can be purchased here:  https://www.showpass.com/usbands-dekaney21/
    • All tickets will be sold online. There will be no ticket sales on the day of the event at the stadium.
  • Volunteers
    • Spectators with their own private vehicles will park at Spring High School close to the intersection of I-45 and Cypresswood Dr. and will be shuttled to the stadium by bus.  Please plan for at least 30 extra minutes to park and shuttle to the stadium. I would recommend that you are parked at Spring HS no later than 2:30pm so you can be at the stadium by 3:00pm in time for our performance at 3:15pm.
    • Personal vehicles with handicap stickers will be able to park at Planet Ford Stadium in the handicap parking area.
    • All students have already paid for their contest meal. This was done during Registration Day ($35). A meal will be provided for every student after our Prelims performance.
    • Students may have an opportunity to visit the concession stand depending on the Finals performance schedule. This would be optional and is not guaranteed but you may consider sending a little money with your student if they would like to visit concessions and the schedule allows for it.
    • ACTION REQUIRED!! Since we are feeding every student on contest days, please reply to this email if you have any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, gluten free, allergies, etc) so we can make sure every student can be accommodated.
  • Miscellaneous Details
    • Marching Band Contests run on a very strict time schedule. Our Prelims Performance will start exactly at 3:15pm. Spectators are not permitted to enter the stands while a band is performing. A good rule of thumb is to plan to be in your seat one group before our performance. In this case that would be 3:00pm. Of course, you are welcome and encouraged to come early and watch other bands perform.
    • Depending on placement in the Prelims portion of the day we may earn a spot in the Finals competition. We won’t know that for sure until the Prelims awards ceremony. If we advance to the finals competition performance times will be given to us after Prelims awards. We will share those times via Remind as soon as we have them.
    • Most contests will have General Admission seating. The preferred seats for viewing are closest to the 50-yard line. Our band families often try to sit near each other to cheer on the students as a group. Wear your KC band spirit wear or show shirts to the contest and be on the lookout for the other KC Band families in the stands.

No Pass/No Play

The end of the Progress Report 2 grading period was this past Friday September 24th. Progress Report 2 is a very important grading period for marching band students because that grade is used to determine academic eligibility (No Pass/No Play). If a student has lower than a 70 in any on-level course -OR- lower than a 60 in an AP, Pre-AP, or Dual Credit course they will become academically ineligible for marching band. The date they lose eligibility is Friday October 1st which means that any student who is ineligible will not be allowed to participate in the following performances:

  • Klein Oak Game October 1st
  • US Bands Dekaney Contest October 2nd
  • Tomball Game October 7th
  • Lone Star Preview Contest October 9th

If a student becomes ineligible they are still required to attend all rehearsals but are not permitted to participate in football games or marching contests. If a student becomes ineligible based on the PR2 grade the next opportunity to lose or regain eligibility is on the Q1 Report Card. That grading period ends on October 7th and students can lose or regain eligibility on Thursday October 14th.

In my experience most students who are receiving grades that would make them ineligible have missing assignments. Please help your student track their work and make sure all assignments are completed and submitted in a timely manner.

I will be able to generate an eligibility report on Tuesday September 28th and will notify any student and/or their parent(s) who is affected by the end of day on Tuesday.

Band Pictures

We had our band picture day back during Summer Band. At that time we did not have the color guard costume and we planned to take another group photo once the costumes came in. We have scheduled that photo for Friday October 8th at 2:00pm. This is right before our rehearsal that day (3:00-6:00pm). This is also a student holiday so there are not classes that day. Students will report to the band hall at 2:00pm to get dressed in full uniform. We will take the group photo in front of the school by the main office. Anyone who did not get individual pictures taken during Summer Band (color guard, new students, etc.) will be able to do that on this day.

**For those who ordered photos on the first picture day, your order will be delivered shortly after we take the group photos on October 8th. We waited to fill orders until we had the group photo done so all can be delivered in one batch.**

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out via email so I can help.

-Mr. R

Chris Rugila

Director of Bands, Klein Collins HS



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