Band Families,
Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to help this week. We are so grateful for your contributions and our success is only possible with your help. We hope to see you at our first KCBA Meeting of the year tomorrow evening. The meeting will start at 7pm and will be held in the Band Hall (changed from choir room since rehearsal has been postponed). If you cannot attend in person please use this Zoom Link to attend virtually.
Congratulations to our KC Percussion for their 2nd place finish at the Mustang Round Up Contest. In addition they also earned awards for Best Front Ensemble and Best Quads. Way to go KC Percussion!
Rehearsal Schedules
We are keeping a close eye on Tropical Storm Nicolas that has the potential to bring heavy rains to our area. Based on the forecast at this time we are anticipating widespread rainfall in the early part of the week. In response, we will postpone our early week rehearsals and save our rehearsal hours for the end of the week when the weather looks more favorable.
We will load all equipment on the truck after rehearsal on Friday evening and students will meet us at Klein Memorial Stadium (Visitor Side Parking Lot) on Saturday morning. The truck will be open at 7:15am to unload so we can start rehearsal on time at 8:00am.
- Monday September 13th – NO REHEARSAL (postponed due to TS Nicolas)
- Tuesday September 14th – NO REHEARSAL (postponed due to TS Nicolas)
- Wednesday September 15th – NO REHEARSAL
- Thursday September 16th – NO REHEARSAL (postponed due to TS Nicolas)
- Friday September 17th – Full Band 4:00-8:00p (in Klein Collins Stadium)
- Saturday September 18th – Full Band 8:00a-12:00p (Klein Memorial Stadium)
Week 4 Game Info – Bye Week
There will be no game this week as it is our bye week.
Feed the Band
There will be no Feed the Band this week because there is no game this week.
Attendance Policy
Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is required for all students as stipulated in the KC Band Attendance policy. In the rare event that you need to miss a rehearsal please follow the notification protocols outlined in the band attendance policy. When providing a notification via email to Mr. Rugila be sure to include the reason for your absence. This is needed to determine if the absence will be excused or not. Unexcused absences have serious negative consequences for students that can include ineligibility to earn a letter jacket, loss of performance status (student cannot perform at game and/or contest that week), lowered grade, and possible removal from the band program.
No Pass/No Play
The end of the Progress Report 2 grading period is Friday September 24th. Progress Report 2 is a very important grading period for marching band students because that grade is used to determine academic eligibility (No Pass/No Play). If a student has lower than a 70 in any on-level course -OR- lower than a 60 in an AP, Pre-AP, or Dual Credit course they will become academically ineligible for marching band. The date they lose eligibility is Friday October 1st which means that any student who is ineligible will not be allowed to participate in the following performances:
- Klein Oak Game October 1st
- US Bands Dekaney Contest October 2nd
- Tomball Game October 7th
- Lone Star Preview Contest October 9th
If a student becomes ineligible they are still required to attend all rehearsals but are not permitted to participate in football games or marching contests. If a student becomes ineligible based on the PR2 grade the next opportunity to lose or regain eligibility is on the Q1 Report Card. That grading period ends on October 7th and students can lose or regain eligibility on Thursday October 14th.
In my experience most students who are receiving grades that would make them ineligible have missing assignments. Please help your student track their work and make sure all assignments are completed and submitted in a timely manner.
If/when a student becomes ineligible I will notify them in class when possible but I will also email those students and their parents as well.
Many of you have already joined our KC Band Remind class but in case you haven’t yet, please take a minute to do that so we can send quick updates to you via that platform. If you use the app then you should be able to search for your class using the codes below. If you use Remind via SMS messaging then you would need to send the class code, including the @ sign, to the number 81010 and then follow the instructions that are sent to you via SMS message. Here are the class codes (you will only join the class for your grade level)
- 9th Grade- @kcb2025
- 10th Grade- @kcb2024
- 11th Grade- @kcb2023
- 12th Grade- @kcb2022
Private Lessons
At Klein Collins we are fortunate to have a number of fantastic private lesson teachers, many who are new to us this year. By now most of them have been introduced to the students via masterclasses during the school day. In terms of musical development, it is impossible to overstate the impact that private lessons will have on a student. The one on one environment allows for the best possible feedback to help a student develop their skills and become a better player. In my opinion, the higher the percentage of students that participate in private lessons will directly correlate to increased achievement in our Tiger Band. You can find the lesson teacher for your instrument on the band website here KC Band Private Lesson Faculty. To get started in lessons you simply need to reach out to the teacher for your instrument via email or phone and they will work your student into their schedule.
For more information and guidelines about Private Lessons in Klein ISD please visit the KISD Fine Arts website and review the Klein ISD Private Lessons Guidelines.
**Percussion Students- your private lessons will start this week. Be on the lookout for an email from Mr. Green with the schedule.**
Trip Boomerang
On Friday we started our first Spring Trip fundraiser of the year, Trip Boomerang. We are off to an incredible start with over $16,000 in sales in just two days! You can view the leaderboard here https://www.igiv.org/support/
If you know someone who would like to be a supporter you can send them to this website. Be sure they enter the student name so they get credit for the sale. www.igiv.org/s/
As always, if you have any questions please reach out via email so I can help.
-Mr. R
Chris Rugila
Director of Bands, Klein Collins HS
KC Band Update 9.05.21