Band Families,
It was so great to see the students in uniform, back in action under the Friday Night Lights! I hope that you enjoyed our first performance of “X” as much as the staff did. We have a long season ahead of us that will undoubtedly see great improvement and development of our show but the band staff is very happy with where we are now. While we work to perfect our show on the field, we also are continuing to address some details off the field. Please encourage your students to continue to be prepared each week with all required supplies and materials. One thing we can improve instantly is for students to label EVERYTHING with their name. So many of our items are identical (hat/visor, gloves, shoes, flip folders, etc.) and there is no way to distinguish them unless they are labeled with student names.
Rehearsal Schedules
For rehearsals that start in the evening (5:00-5:30pm) we ask that students go home and then return to campus for rehearsal. This will allow them time to eat, complete homework, and/or rest prior to the start of rehearsal. If the rehearsal starts right after school (3:15-3:30p) students can stay after school until rehearsal starts. Students who are staying after school MUST stay in the band hall. The building is closed at 2:55pm and students are not permitted to be wandering around the school. Please note that we will have a rehearsal on Friday of this week which takes the place of the rehearsal we will miss tomorrow for the Labor Day holiday.
- Monday September 6th – LABOR DAY NO REHEARSAL
- Tuesday September 7th – Sectional Winds 3:30-5:30p
- Tuesday September 7th – Sectional Color Guard 5:30-7:30p
- Wednesday September 8th – Sectional Percussion 4:00-6:00p
- Thursday September 9th – Full Band 5:00-8:00p
- Friday September 10th – Full Band 3:30-6:30p
- Saturday September 11th – Mustang Round Up (Percussion Only) Call Time 10:00am
- Saturday September 11th – Game vs. Tompkins. Call Time 1:45pm. Pick Up Time 10:45pm
Week 3 Game Info- Katy Tompkins
- Our next game of the season is against Katy Tompkins HS and will be played at Legacy Stadium. All students must ride the bus to and from the game. Please check the Charms Calendar for specific time details and stadium address.
- KCBA will provide a Gatorade for every student after our halftime performance. Students should bring their water jug with them for rehearsal and the game. They will have a chance to refill at the end of rehearsal before we leave KCHS. This will be the only way for them to have water to drink during the game.
- Students should bring their gold shorts, black compression shirt, black socks (crew length required), black marching shoes, black gloves, and garment bag with them on game day.
- Football tickets for the Varsity game against Katy Tompkins may be purchased via eTix here https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/
6559437/tompkins-vsklein- collins-visitorlegacy–katy- academy-sports-outdoors- student-activities-complex? campaign_id= 2F39012D7934EA058AFDA871DEB9A0 DE - KC fans can access tickets beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, September 6th. Tickets will be sold at the gates as well.
- Katy ISD has a “Clear Bag” policy.
- Clear Bag Regulation – To ensure visitor safety, along with quick and efficient entry into our event venues, Katy ISD has instituted a Clear Bag Regulation. This will limit the size and type of bag allowed at sporting events, performances, and graduations held at Rhodes and Legacy stadiums.
- While Katy ISD encourages visitors not to bring bags if possible, the following types of bags are permissible:
- Clear, plastic, vinyl, or PVC bags
- Clear, plastic, one-gallon, re-sealable, Ziploc-style bags
- Clutch bags approximately the size of a hand (4 ½” X 6 ½”)
- Medically necessary items
- Visitors who bring bags that do not meet the criteria outlined, will not be permitted entrance into the venue.
- If you would like to volunteer to help at this game you can sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
charms/volunteerR.asp?s= klecolhsb&v=5340057 - You must have an approved background check complete before you sign up to volunteer. Once you have received your email about being cleared, please forward that email to kcbavolunteers@
kleincollinsband.org so we can add you to our cleared list. - If you have not completed your annual Klein ISD Volunteer Background Check you can do that here https://kleinisd.net/cms/One.
aspx?portalId=568125&pageId= 16247612
- You must have an approved background check complete before you sign up to volunteer. Once you have received your email about being cleared, please forward that email to kcbavolunteers@
Feed the Band
- There will be no Feed the Band this week because the game is on a Saturday. Students should eat a meal before they arrive on campus. They can bring a snack/meal to eat after rehearsal, before getting dressed in uniform during “Eat, Pack, Load” time.
Fundraise Genius
Our Fundraise Genius campaign raised over $20,000 for the band program!!! Thank you to all who donated or helped spread the word. Our winners for the most donations are:
- 1st Place- Madison Matus
- 2nd Place- Arielle Juarez
- 3rd Place- Morgan Floyd
Trip Boomerang
On Friday September 10th we will kickoff our first Spring Trip fundraiser of the year, Trip Boomerang. I will send more detailed information mid-week. Trip Boomerang allows supporters to purchase $50 Travel eCode for only $25! These Travel eCodes can be used at over 1.5 Million hotels worldwide, thousands of activities and excursions, as well as car rentals. Proceeds from this fundraiser will offset costs for our Spring Trip. Keep an eye out for a more detailed email mid-week.
As always, if you have any questions please reach out via email so I can help.
-Mr. R
Chris Rugila
Director of Bands, Klein Collins HS
KC Band Update 8.30.21