Band Families,
If there is one thing I know about marching band it’s that we must expect the unexpected. The band staff was closely monitoring radar during our game day rehearsal and the storm that we were caught in came out of nowhere. We certainly didn’t expect to be under a lighting warning for the next 3.5 hours but the students were flexible and dealt with a difficult situation very well. We look forward to performing this week at our first home game of the season against North Shore.
Rehearsal Schedules
All students will now wear their rehearsal uniform (navy shorts, gold shirt, and hat or visor) to all Full Band rehearsals. Additionally, for rehearsals that start in the evening (5:00-5:30pm) we ask that students go home and then return to campus for rehearsal. This will allow them time to eat, complete homework, and/or rest prior to the start of rehearsal. If the rehearsal starts right after school (3:15-3:30p) students can stay after school until rehearsal starts. Students who are staying after school MUST stay in the band hall. The building is closed at 2:55pm and students are not permitted to be wandering around the school.
- Monday August 30th – Full Band 5:00-8:00p
- Tuesday August 31st – Sectional Winds & Percussion 3:30-5:30p
- Tuesday August 31st – Sectional Color Guard 5:30-7:30p
- Wednesday September 1st – Sectional Percussion 4:00-6:00p
- Thursday September 2nd – Full Band 5:00-8:00p
- Friday September 3rd – North Shore Game 3:30pm Call Time, 11:00pm Pick Up Time
Week 2 Game Info- North Shore
- Our next game of the season is against North Shore HS and will be played at Klein Memorial Stadium. All students must ride the bus to and from the game. Please check the Charms Calendar for specific time details and stadium address.
- KCBA will provide a Gatorade for every student after our halftime performance. Students should bring their water jug with them for rehearsal and the game. They will have a chance to refill at the end of rehearsal before we leave KCHS. This will be the only way for them to have water to drink during the game.
- Students should bring their gold shorts, black compression shirt, black socks (crew length required), black marching shoes, and black gloves with them on game day.
- All students are REQUIRED to have a garment bag with their name on it. We are going to open ordering for duffel and garment bags one more time in case you didn’t get a chance to order at Registration Day in July. Many students, after our first game of the season, realized that having one or both of those bags would be helpful. Purchasing the blue canvas bags from us is optional. You are welcome, of course, to purchase one of your own locally. The cost of the duffle bag is $41 and the garment bag is $35.
- If you would like to purchase one or both, please email me no later than 8:00am on Monday August 30th so I can get them ordered and here in time for the game on Friday.
- Football tickets for the Varsity game against North Shore may be purchased via eTix here https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/
7857307/klein-collins- homevsnorth-shore-sn-klein- klein-memorial-stadium-klein- collins?cobrand= KleinCollinsFootball - KC fans can access tickets beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, August 30th. Tickets will be sold at the gates as well. Payments can be made with either cash or credit card. Tickets will also be sold at school the day before the game and on game day until the end of “C” lunch.
- If you would like to volunteer to help at this game (Chaperones, Feed the Band, Pit Crew) you can sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
charms/volunteerR.asp?s= klecolhsb&v=5340051
Feed the Band
- Participation in Feed the Band is optional and provided as a convenience to you by KCBA. The students do not eat in uniform and cannot visit the concession stand at the game. If they do not eat at 4:30pm their next opportunity to eat will not be until 11:00pm. Please plan accordingly.
- If you paid for the entire season of Feed the Band ($63) at Band Registration Day your meal will be ready for you at 4:15pm and no further action is required on your part. Please do not confuse the Game Day Meals ($63) with Contest Meals ($35). We had some families who thought they paid for Game Day ($63) but only paid for Contest Meals ($35).
- If you did not pre-pay for the season and would like to have a meal delivered for you, bring $7 (CASH ONLY, no checks or cards) no later than 6:00pm on WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31ST. You will put the money in an envelope, write your name and “Feed the Band” on the outside, and place the envelope in the KCBA box on the wall outside the band office. Late orders will not be accepted.
- The vendor for this week is Chick-fil-A. Your meal will consist of a chicken sandwich, chips, cookie, and bottled water.
Fundraise Genius
Our Fundraise Genius campaign is off to an amazing start. As of the time this is being sent we have received over $20,000 in donations! Please continue to share the link with your friends, family, and other potential supporters. You can also share on social media. We appreciate your help in getting us to our goal of raising at least $25,000. Remember that there are prizes for the top 3 students with the most donations made in support of them. The fundraiser will end on Wednesday August 31st.
Schindewolf vs Strack Game
Last year, due to COVID restrictions, we were not able to have our traditional 8th grade night at Klein Memorial Stadium. In response we took the KC Band to the Schindewolf vs Strack game. Like some things we tried over the last 18 months, we found that we really liked this event and have decided to continue it this year. The game is on the Charms calendar but was added in early August so I wanted to bring it to your attention. The date is Tuesday September 21st and we will go over to the KC Stadium for the game after our sectional rehearsal day. Wind players will already be on campus and percussion students need to arrive on campus at 5:30pm.
As always, if you have any questions please reach out via email so I can help.
-Mr. R
Chris Rugila
Director of Bands, Klein Collins HS
KC Band Update 8.22.21