Band Families,
This is a very important week for our band as we prepare to enter the UIL marching season contests. This year 6A bands can advance to the State Marching Contest. That advancement process begins at UIL Region Marching Contest. The band will perform and be given a rating of 1-5 from three judges. For this contest there are no placements, only ratings. We are not competing with any other bands in our region. If the ratings from the judges average to a 1, we will advance to the Area Marching Contest on October 30. If or when that happens, I will continue to explain the matriculation process.
Rehearsal Schedules
- Monday October 18th – Full Band 4:00-7:00p
- Tuesday October 19th – UIL Region Marching Contest (Call Time 3:00p, Pick up 10:00p)
- Wednesday October 20th – NO REHEARSAL
- Thursday October 21st – Full Band 4:00-7:00p
- Friday October 22nd – Full Band 3:30-5:30p
- Saturday October 23rd – Game vs. Klein HS (Call Time 10:00a)
- Saturday October 23rd – Klein ISD Showcase (Event Start 7:00p, KC Performance 9:05p)
Week 6 Game Info- Klein HS (Home Side)
- Our next game of the season is against Klein HS and will be played at Klein Memorial Stadium. We will be on the HOME SIDE for this game. All students must ride the bus to and from the game. Please check the Charms Calendar for specific time details and stadium address.
- KCBA will provide a Gatorade for every student after our halftime performance. Students should bring their water jug with them for rehearsal and the game. They will have a chance to refill at the end of rehearsal before we leave KCHS. This will be the only way for them to have water to drink during the game.
- Students should bring their gold shorts, black compression shirt, black socks (crew length required), black marching shoes, black gloves, and garment bag with them on game day.
- Football tickets for the Varsity game against Klein may be purchased via eTix here https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/
6903815/klein-collins- homevsklein-high-klein-klein- memorial-stadium-klein- collins?cobrand= KleinCollinsFootball - KC fans can access tickets beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, October 18th. Tickets will be sold at the gates as well as during lunches this week.
- If you would like to volunteer to help at this game you can sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
charms/volunteerR.asp?s= klecolhsb&v=5340110 - You must have an approved background check complete before you sign up to volunteer. Once you have received your email about being cleared, please forward that email to kcbavolunteers@
kleincollinsband.org so we can add you to our cleared list. - If you have not completed your annual Klein ISD Volunteer Background Check you can do that here https://kleinisd.net/cms/One.
aspx?portalId=568125&pageId= 16247612
- If you would like to volunteer to help at this game you can sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
Feed the Band
- Participation in Feed the Band is optional and provided as a convenience to you by KCBA.
- UIL Marching Contest Tuesday October 19th
- If you did not pre-pay for the season and would like to have a meal delivered for you, bring $7 (CASH ONLY, no checks or cards) no later than 3:00pm on MONDAY OCTOBER 18TH.
- Even though this is a contest day, the schedule is nearly identical to a football game day. Therefore, we included this meal in the full season pre-paid package for game days. If you have been receiving a meal on game days and have not been bringing in money each week, you will have a meal for UIL Region Contest with no further action required.
- The vendor for UIL Region Marching Contest is Chick-fil-A. Your meal will consist of a Chicken Sandwich, Chips, Cookie, Bottled Water.
- Klein Game Saturday October 23rd
- Since the game is on Saturday this week there will be no game day feed the band offered. You should plan to bring a meal from home to eat during Eat, Pack, Load time.
- Klein ISD Showcase October 23rd
- The Klein ISD Showcase was included in the contest meals that every student purchased during Registration Day. We will have a meal for EVERY student that will be delivered to the stadium at the end of the game against Klein HS. The vendor for this meal will be Pizza Zone.
Uniform Wash #2
Thanks to everyone who volunteered to wash uniforms this weekend. Please make sure you return your uniforms to the racks by the end of rehearsal on Monday October 18th so we are ready for UIL Region Marching Contest on October 19th.
Spring Trip
Quick reminder that the first payment, which is required to register you for the trip, is due on October 20th. All payments will be made directly to the travel company, not to the school. We will be starting another fundraising opportunity for students, Ready, Set, Fund!, on Friday October 22nd. More details regarding that specific fundraiser will be sent separately a little later this week.
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out via email so I can help.
-Mr. R
Chris Rugila
Director of Bands, Klein Collins HS
KC Band Update 10.10.21