Band Families,
What a start to our competitive season! The band performed so well and earned a spot in the Finals competition at Lone Star Preview. There are many wonderful takeaways for us from this contest and the feedback we have received will be used to help us continue to improve and earn points as the season progresses. It was a long day, as many of our contest days are, and we are especially grateful for all of the parent volunteers who helped during the day. Whether it was feeding the students, chaperoning on the bus, taking pictures and video, or loading and unloading equipment on pit crew, thanks for helping to make our first contest of the season a success! I would like to give a special shout out to our Pit Crew for coming back early and unloading the entire semi trailer so that we could get the students home 30 minutes earlier than we planned. Thanks Pit Crew!!
Rehearsal Schedules
This is the first week of our adjusted start times for rehearsals on some days. Please be sure you double check the calendar this week. For the days we are starting at 4:00, students can stay after school if needed.
- Monday October 11th – NO REHEARSAL (Staff/Student Holiday)
- Tuesday October 12th – Sectional Winds 3:30-5:30p
- Tuesday October 12th – Sectional Color Guard 5:30-7:30p
- Wednesday October 13th – Sectional Percussion 4:00-6:00p
- Thursday October 14th – Full Band 4:00-7:00p
- Friday October 15th – Klein Cain Game (Call Time 3:30p; Pick Up Time 11:00p)
Week 6 Game Info- Klein Cain HS (Visitor Side)
- Our next game of the season is against Klein Cain HS and will be played at Klein Memorial Stadium. We will be on the VISITOR SIDE for this game. All students must ride the bus to and from the game. Please check the Charms Calendar for specific time details and stadium address.
- KCBA will provide a Gatorade for every student after our halftime performance. Students should bring their water jug with them for rehearsal and the game. They will have a chance to refill at the end of rehearsal before we leave KCHS. This will be the only way for them to have water to drink during the game.
- Students should bring their gold shorts, black compression shirt, black socks (crew length required), black marching shoes, black gloves, and garment bag with them on game day.
- Football tickets for the Varsity game against Tomball may be purchased via eTix here https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/
4045813/klein-collins- visitorvsklein-cain-klein- klein-memorial-stadium-klein- collins?cobrand= KleinCollinsFootball - KC fans can access tickets beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, October 11th. Tickets will be sold at the gates as well as during lunches this week.
- If you would like to volunteer to help at this game you can sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
charms/volunteerR.asp?s= klecolhsb&v=5340102 - You must have an approved background check complete before you sign up to volunteer. Once you have received your email about being cleared, please forward that email to kcbavolunteers@
kleincollinsband.org so we can add you to our cleared list. - If you have not completed your annual Klein ISD Volunteer Background Check you can do that here https://kleinisd.net/cms/One.
aspx?portalId=568125&pageId= 16247612
- You must have an approved background check complete before you sign up to volunteer. Once you have received your email about being cleared, please forward that email to kcbavolunteers@
Feed the Band
- Participation in Feed the Band is optional and provided as a convenience to you by KCBA.
- If you did not pre-pay for the season and would like to have a meal delivered for you, bring $7 (CASH ONLY, no checks or cards) no later than 5:30pm on TUESDAY OCTOBER 5TH. You will put the money in an envelope, write your name and “Feed the Band” on the outside, and place the envelope in the KCBA box on the wall outside the band office. Late orders will not be accepted.
- The vendor for this week is Raising Canes. Your meal will consist of a 3 Piece Chicken Tenders, Fries, Texas Toast, and Bottled Water.
Uniform Wash #2
It’s time for us to wash the uniforms again. We will be washing after the game this week and they need to be returned on Monday October 18th in time for UIL Region Marching Contest on Tuesday October 19th. This is a great way for those families who cannot volunteer for in-person tasks (chaperones, pit crew, etc.) to support the band program. You will sign up in Charms for a group of 10-11 uniforms to wash. Instructions and details can be found here https://www.charmsoffice.com/
No Pass/No Play
Quarter 1 officially ended on Thursday October 7th. Students can lose or regain eligibility based on the grades for Quarter 1. I will be able to generate an eligibility report on Tuesday of this week and will notify any student affected by No Pass/No Play. The date they lose eligibility is Thursday October 14th which means that any student who is ineligible for Q1 grades will not be allowed to participate in the following performances:
- Klein Cain Game October 15th
- UIL Region Marching Contest October 19th
- Klein Game October 23rd
- Tomball Memorial Game October 29th
- Area Marching Contest October 30th
If a student becomes ineligible they are still required to attend all rehearsals but are not permitted to participate in football game day or marching contests. If a student becomes ineligible based on the Q1 grade the next opportunity to regain eligibility is on Progress Report 3. That grading period ends on October 29th and students can regain eligibility on Friday November 5th.
KCBA Meeting
Our monthly KCBA meeting will be held tomorrow, October 11th, at 7pm. Since school is closed for the Staff/Student Holiday we will hold the meeting via Zoom. You can find the link on the Charms calendar as well as here: https://kleinisd.zoom.us/j/
Please join us so you are informed about all the ways KCBA is supporting the KC Band program and how you can become (or stay) involved in supporting our students and band program.
Spring Trip
Earlier this week I sent out the itinerary and payment schedule for the Spring Trip. The first payment, which is required to register you for the trip, is due on October 20th. I have attached the pdf with instructions for registering online. All payments will be made directly to the travel company, not to the school.
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out via email so I can help.
-Mr. R
Chris Rugila
Director of Bands, Klein Collins HS
Spring Trip Information!