Band Families,
We have reached the conclusion of our competitive season for marching band and as I reflect back on the past 3 months I am so proud of all that we have accomplished. I don’t think it is hyperbole to assert that this is the most successful and highest achieving version of the Tiger Band in Klein Collins history. The students have set the bar high and as we shared with them before dismissal last night, we have no interest in going backwards or paving the same real estate twice. What happens next will be a direct result of the students’ decisions regarding preparation and approach to the season. How we show up on August 1, 2022 will have a massive impact on the trajectory of our next season and will determine if we continue to build upon the success of the previous iterations of the Tiger Band.
For our seniors, the class of 2022, I hope you can look back and have an enormous sense of pride at what you have helped to build and create and Klein Collins. Your efforts and contributions will be felt for years to come and you have definitely left it better than you found it. As you go on to whatever lies ahead for you, remember that you always have a home in the Tiger Band and we hope to hear from you. The successes that have yet to come will be a direct reflection of your time and efforts and are shared by all of us, both current members and alumni. Congratulations on a wonderful season and four years of setting new standards.
Rehearsal Schedules
Our marching rehearsal schedule will be significantly less now that the competitive season has ended. Going forward, we will only have marching rehearsals on game day for playoff football games. Full Orchestra rehearsals will start this week but only for students who have been asked to play. If you haven’t been asked to play you are not required to attend.
- Monday November 8th – NO REHEARSAL (Veterans Day Flags Go Out)
- Tuesday November 9th – Full Orchestra 3:30-5:00
- Wednesday November 10th – NO REHEARSAL
- Thursday November 11th – Full Orchestra 3:30-5:00
- Friday November 12th – Bridgeland Game (Call Time 3:30p, Pick Up Time 11:00p)
- Saturday November 13th – (Veterans Day Flags Come In)
Playoff Round 1 Game Info- Bridgeland HS
- Our first round of the playoffs is against Bridgeland HS and will be played at Klein Memorial Stadium. We will be on the HOME SIDE for this game. All students must ride the bus to and from the game. Please check the Charms Calendar for specific time details and stadium address.
- Students should bring their gold shorts, black compression shirt, black socks (crew length required), black marching shoes, black gloves, and garment bag with them on game day.
- We will play music in the stands but will not be performing the show during halftime at football games.
- All eligible students are required to attend playoff games. If you have a previously scheduled conflict for the game this week please email Mr. Rugila about your conflict ASAP.
- Football tickets for the Varsity game against Klein Memorial may be purchased here https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/
7429034/playoffs-klein- collins-home-sidevsbridgeland- -klein-klein-memorial-stadium- klein-collins?cobrand= KleinCollinsFootball - KC fans can access tickets beginning at 8:00 am on Monday November 8th. Tickets will also be sold at the stadium as well as during lunches this week.
- If you would like to volunteer to help at this game you can sign up here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
charms/volunteerR.asp?s= klecolhsb&v=5456024 - You must have an approved background check complete before you sign up to volunteer. Once you have received your email about being cleared, please forward that email to kcbavolunteers@
kleincollinsband.org so we can add you to our cleared list. - If you have not completed your annual Klein ISD Volunteer Background Check you can do that here https://kleinisd.net/cms/One.
aspx?portalId=568125&pageId= 16247612
- You must have an approved background check complete before you sign up to volunteer. Once you have received your email about being cleared, please forward that email to kcbavolunteers@
Feed the Band
Feed the Band for playoff games is a little different since no one has prepaid for any meals from this point forward. If you would like to have a meal on game day you will need to pay week to week from now until the end of the playoffs.
- Participation in Feed the Band is optional and provided as a convenience to you by KCBA.
- If you would like to have a meal delivered for you, bring $7 (CASH ONLY, EXACT CHANGE, no checks or cards) no later than 3:00pm on WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10TH.
- The vendor for this week is RAISING CANES. Your meal will consist of a 3 Piece Chicken Strips, Fries, Cole Slaw, Texas Toast, and Bottled Water.
KCBA November Meeting
KCBA will hold its November meeting tomorrow at 7pm in the KC Band Hall. We will also broadcast the meeting on Zoom for anyone who cannot attend in person. For those attending on Zoom, use this link to access the meeting: https://kleinisd.zoom.us/j/
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out via email so I can help.
-Mr. R
Chris Rugila
Director of Bands, Klein Collins HS
KC Band Update 10.31.21