Band Families,
The band updates for the next couple weeks should be a little shorter as the schedules for after school events are a little lighter in the short term. There are a few items that do require your attention so please read carefully below.
Rehearsal & Event Schedules
- Monday November 15th – Full Orchestra 3:30-5:00
- Tuesday November 16th – Region Orchestra Auditions
- Wednesday November 17th – Indoor Drumline 4:00-7:00
- Thursday November 18th – Full Orchestra 3:30-5:00
- Thursday November 18th – Indoor Drumline 4:00-7:00
- Friday November 19th – NO REHEARSAL
Klein ISD Solo & Ensemble Contest
One of our major events of the year is the Klein ISD Solo & Ensemble Contest. This contest is typically held on the first weekend of February. This year the contest is on Saturday February 5th at Klein Cain HS. This is also one of the main opportunities to earn “achievement points” for a letter jacket. Please refer to the Klein ISD student handbook for more details about letter jacket requirements.
- Wind and Percussion students are REQUIRED to perform a solo.
- If the solo has an accompaniment, it must be performed with the accompaniment. Most wind solos will be accompanied and most percussion solos are unaccompanied.
- If you do not have access to an accompanist we can hire one on your behalf.
- The fee for your accompanist is $30. The cost is low because KCBA subsidizes part of that on your behalf.
- The accompanist fee you pay includes 2 rehearsals and 1 performance.
- In you have access to an accompanist (friend, relative, etc.) you are welcome to use them but will be responsible for arranging rehearsals, providing music, and communicating about performance times once they are released.
- You can hire your own accompanist
- If you do not have access to an accompanist we can hire one on your behalf.
- Students have been working on selecting solos in class. By now, all students should have selected and ordered their solo. Our goal is for them to turn in their original copy by this Friday November 19th.
- The recommended vendor for ordering solos is JW Pepper. Go to www.jwpepper.com to place your order.
- If the item is “In Stock” then you should receive it in a few days.
- If the items says “Not In Stock- Ships in 1-3 weeks” please try another vendor.
- If JW Pepper doesn’t have the item in stock, try Penders Music at www.penders.com.
- We do not recommend “budget” shipping as it can take a very long time to arrive.
Region Orchestra Auditions
We are the host school for Region Orchestra Wind and Percussion auditions. We need some student helpers to setup and tear down after the event. If you would like to help please sign up to volunteer in Charms by using this link: https://www.charmsoffice.com/
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out via email so I can help.
-Mr. R
Chris Rugila
Director of Bands, Klein Collins HS
KC Band Update 11.7.21